
EPISODE 41: How I Created a Money Making Offer Suite

March 7, 2024

I’m Shaheen
Your midlife business coach, here to help you start your very own online coaching business and scale it to multi 6 figures!
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In this empowering episode of the Midlife Business Coach Podcast, I dive deep into my personal journey of crafting an offer suite that resonates deeply with my audience and aligns with my core values and spirit as an entrepreneur, and makes me a lot of money.

I share insights into the evolution of my business model, from the initial steps of offer creation to developing a comprehensive suite that meets various client needs. This episode is a heartfelt exploration of the trials and triumphs on the path to building a coaching business that not only thrives financially but also enriches lives.

Key Takeaways:

  • Crafting an Authentic Offer Suite: I reveal how I transitioned from following trends to creating offers that stem from my heart, helping you understand how to make offerings that truly connect with your clients.
  • Pivotal Mindset Shifts: Discover the mindset transformations that were crucial to my success and learn how overcoming your own limiting beliefs can catapult your business to new heights.
  • Embracing Alignment and Authenticity: I share the significance of aligning your offers with your authentic self and the profound impact this alignment has had on my business and life.
  • Effective Offer Creation Strategies: From understanding your audience’s deepest needs to appropriately pricing your services, I discuss my strategies for designing compelling offers that genuinely sell.
  • Evolving Your Business Model: Join me on a journey through the development of my business model, from my first offerings to a robust offer suite that caters to a range of client aspirations and needs.
  • The Importance of Your Journey: I emphasize that creating your offer suite is a journey filled with learning and growth, encouraging you to embrace each step with perseverance and an open heart.

This episode is more than just my story of success; it’s a detailed guide filled with practical advice, genuine insights, and encouragement for anyone looking to build a business that is not only financially rewarding but also fulfilling on a deeper level. 

Whether you’re in the early stages of offer creation or refining your suite, my experiences and lessons learned offer valuable guidance for creating a business that truly reflects your passion and purpose.

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