
EPISODE 33: Fear is Not Your Friend

September 14, 2023

I’m Shaheen
Your midlife business coach, here to help you start your very own online coaching business and scale it to multi 6 figures!
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Welcome to another heart-deep episode of The Empower Journey Podcast. I’m your host, Shaheen Plunier, guiding women to awaken their potential, even through the tough times. Today, we dive deep into the deceptive world of fear – the age-old enemy that holds us back in ways we often don’t even recognize. But remember, just like I’m pushing through my health challenges to be here with you, we can stand up to fear together. Let’s be courageous and challenge the stories we tell ourselves that keep us from soaring in our businesses and lives.

In this episode, we’ll unmask the many faces of fear – from the ones that shout about our imperfections to the ones that whisper lies of isolation. Why do we let rejection, judgment, and potential failure grip us so tightly, even when they’re not life-threatening? As we journey through the maze of our thoughts, we’ll discover strategies to challenge and overcome these deceptions. Remember, perfection is an illusion, failure is temporary, and we’re never truly alone. Let’s commit to living bigger, bolder, and with greater intention. Join me as we unveil the tools to break free from the chains of fear and step into our limitless potential.

If you enjoyed the episode, leave a review – it means the world to me & it helps the podcast reach more people!

Connect with me on Instagram – @shaheenplunier

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