
EPISODE 32: From Self-Doubt to Self-Made & Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

August 30, 2023

I’m Shaheen
Your midlife business coach, here to help you start your very own online coaching business and scale it to multi 6 figures!
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Welcome back to another episode of the Empowered Journey Podcast! I’m your host, Shaheen, a midlife empowerment coach who’s here to guide you through your personal and professional growth. I’m thrilled to have you here with me today as we dive into an important topic that so many entrepreneurs, especially women, can relate to – imposter syndrome.

I want to start by expressing my gratitude for your patience during my brief hiatus over the summer due to a bout of pneumonia. It was an unexpected detour, but I’m feeling much better now and eager to continue sharing valuable insights with you. Today, as we record on August 29th, 2023, I want to focus on the prevalent issue of imposter syndrome, particularly among women who are ready to pivot in their lives and embark on a new journey.

Imposter syndrome can be insidious, sowing doubt and self-criticism in our minds. It’s that feeling of not being good enough, smart enough, or ready enough to take the next step, especially when pursuing a new career or launching an online business. Many of us find ourselves downplaying our achievements and comparing ourselves to others, which holds us back from sharing our unique wisdom and experiences with the world.

In this episode, I’ll share my personal experiences with imposter syndrome, including the challenges I faced when starting my own coaching business. I’ll explore strategies to overcome this hurdle, such as reframing limiting beliefs, embracing vulnerability, and practicing self-compassion. I’ll also introduce an exciting opportunity – the “Wisdom to Wealth” membership – designed to provide guidance and support for women who are ready to step into their entrepreneurial journey and overcome imposter syndrome.

Remember, you’re not alone in experiencing imposter syndrome, and it’s okay to feel this way. But it’s crucial to recognize that these feelings don’t define your capabilities. It’s time to rewrite the narrative, cultivate confidence, and share your unique gifts with the world. Join me on this empowered journey as we navigate imposter syndrome and move toward a future filled with purpose, fulfillment, and success.

Thank you for tuning in, and until next time, stay empowered!

If you enjoyed the episode, leave a review – it means the world to me & it helps the podcast reach more people!

Connect with me on Instagram – @shaheenplunier

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