The Ways to Make 1K Workshop

The Ways to Make 1K In Your Online Business

In this one hour workshop, I’ll show you all the ways that you can make money as a beginner to the online business space, so you can turn your idea into a money making business, create passive income and have more time and freedom in your life.

Workshop + Workbook


  • Have an idea brewing in your head, and want to turn it into an online business, but you aren’t sure what that would look like?

  • Want to pivot in your business because you are bored and tired of the same old thing, and explore other ways to make money?

  • Wish you could make money while on vacation, or hanging out with your family, while you are helping others better their lives?

  • Are overwhelmed by all the noise, and online gurus who claim their “strategy” is the only way to make money?

This one hour workshop + workbook is for you if you…

I have been in your shoes. I knew I wanted to start an online business that would help women, but wasn’t sure what I would be selling or how to sell it!

I was so overwhelmed by ALL the options, didn’t understand half of vocab (funnels, trip wires (booby traps?), evergreen (what trees???)!), not to mention the strategies, types of offers, how much to charge, how to sell and launch. I became quickly paralyzed.

Does this sound familiar?

I have spent the last year deep in the online space, spent tens of thousands of dollars learning from the best and I have mistakenly given all my power aways to some coaches, and failed miserably ‍♀️!

I am breaking down all of your options, and empowering you so you can choose what works best for you!

  • understand what your options and all the possible sales strategies

  • feel empowered to choose what feels best (there’s no one size fits all here!)

  • map out your business for 1K days and beyond!

You never need to feel overwhelmed and pressured by “doing it one way” again!

For the woman who wants to pivot and turn her idea into a profitable online business, make consistent $1K days, and make a positive impact on the world.

In this one hour workshop, I’ll show you all the ways that you can make money as a beginner to the online business space.

I’ll break it down in a menu of options so you can map out your business. Here’s what you will learn:

➾ The different business models you use in an online business

You will be able to see and experience results immediately!

There was a time I was so going so fast, thinking I was superwoman, running 2 companies, mom to 3 little boys, and getting my Executive MBA. Yes I am an overachiever.

I became so resentful that I almost got divorced, and it costs us a lot of money because I burned out and we closed our family business!.

No boundaries, not a chance.

Not to oversimplify this (but it is this simple), it all changed once I understood the power of creating and implementing boundaries.

Now it’s actually addicting setting boundaries.

Here’s what changed for me –

  • I stopped caring what anyone else’s thinks anymore about my boundaries.

  • My marriage improved.

  • I started my own company.

  • I have more time with for my family and friends and playing tennis!

I want the same for you …

Hi, I’m Shaheen!

Sign up today!

I’ll show you how to set badass boundaries and not care what others think!

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Monday, July 11 at 11:00am PST

If you aren’t able to attend live, you’ll have access to the replay!

I can’t wait to see you on the inside!