Want to bridge the gap so your internal happiness matches your external success? You are in the right place..
Welcome to
The Golden Thread Collective!
To my dearest, high-achieving, successful, do everything-for-everyone lovely woman …
Let me guess, do you ever …
Feel like something is missing from you life, even though you are successful and your life “checks” all the boxes?
Lay awake at night with creeping anxiety and yearn for something more? You ask yourself, “Is this it?”
Make changes that don’t last? Only to find yourself back where you started as you wiggle away from your truth and spiritual practice?
Wish you had a community of like minded, spirit centered women that you could turn to and ask for help, because you don’t like admitting you are struggling and asking for help in your life …. you are too busy being “superwoman?’“
You are successful, you have it all. But you don’t feel like it on the inside. You thought you would feel differently. But you don’t.
I have no doubt if you are here, this is for you ….
Welcome to your missing piece!
Just because your life checks-off all the boxes, doesn’t mean you will be happy and feel fulfilled.
I had it all … the degrees, the marriage, kids, careers, etc …but I was deeply unhappy and I wondered if there was more? I was missing something.
What was missing for me, and probably the same for you, is the fact I was disconnected from my divinity. I forgot about my Highest Self, my inner guidance system, my intuition. I also tried to stuff a ton of trauma down too…But I forgot how to see signs everywhere, how to trust.
I forgot that I had a purpose here on Earth that was bigger than me…but once I plugged in, everything changed.
I became sincerely grateful (not fake gratitude) and present to my life.
I got connected.
I had just lost touch, that’s all.
The Golden Thread Collective is for the woman who …
Is ready to stop living on auto-pilot and become present and in love with what’s in front of her, instead of thinking of the next thing to do on her list, or her next day off or vacation.
Doesn’t like asking for help or being vulnerable to others that she’s struggling, but deep down she knows she would be feeling so much better if she was part of a community where asking for support, and receiving unconditional love is safe and normal and welcomed!
She wants to stop living life in avoidance mode and she’s ready to take radical responsibilty for how she experiences her life, but she doesn’t know where to start.
and stop procrastinating, over stimulating herself to avoid how she feels. She’s done over-eating, over-drinking, over-consumption ..etc. numbing down the pain, the boredom. -
She’s ready to experience more purpose and intention in her life and connect deeper with her spirituality.
She desires to have a powerful impact on the world, create a new paradigm, set an example to their children, change the generations to come ….
She is doing hard things in the world, and understand the power of having a community and the support to explore her spiritual beliefs.
She wants to be happy and fulfilled!
The truth is ….
We have always been connected. We just have to awaken and tap back into that part of us that is connected to Source, Spirit, God…
I am here to remind you that there is another dimension to our lives. It’s the world of Spirit, of energy, the energy that creates worlds, that flows through us … We are made of this divine energy. Everything is energy.
We have access to it. Anytime we want.
When we tap into your Highest Self we find:
Freedom from whatever is holding you back and keeping you playing small in little girl energy.
Inner power and strength to stand for your truth in your relationships, in your work, in your world.
Inner wisdom that is divine and uniquely yours, to guide in decision making
It is not my place to define what your spirituality, your truths should look like. It is for you to reflect and know. What does your experience tell you? That is what I honor and respect.
In the Golden Thread Collective
Spirituality and practicality unite to become a daily practice, an embodied prayer, that will empower you and connect you to a sustained, greater sense of meaning and purpose and fulfillment, so you can enjoy all that you have created. No more faking gratitude.
What if you could ..
Learn to listen to your body’s wisdom and use it as teacher and guide to help you manage your life, your stress, your anxiety better.
Learn how to be in better touch with your intuition and use it as a tool to help you make big and small decisions.
Embody the changes you wish to make
Build the capacity to be present with your own experiences and challenges and hold the unknown field.
Elevate your relationships by consciously connecting and communicating with the people in your life
Belong to a community of incredible humans on a spiritual path with you
I’m here to tell, you can do and be all these things! I’ve done it for me, and have shown countless others back home to themselves.
A little about me ❤️
I’m Shaheen, an empowerment coach + spiritual energy healer. I’m a mama to 3 boys, been with my French hubby for over 25 + yrs… Love my life so much now … and fun fact – I play “later in life” competitive tennis! It’s where I get to battle myself!
I created The Golden Thread because I needed it not so long ago.. and I still need it today.
I hit a rock f’n bottom because I was living on auto-pilot, being who society and my family wanted me to be. I was in avoidance mode – numbing with wine + nightly xanax to sleep. I should have died many times, but God was looking after me. To bring me here today to serve you.
Once I hit my bottom, I knew I needed help immediately, no matter what the $$ was, or I would accidentally kill myself with wines and meds…. so I checked myself into a recovery center for 30 days.
I healed myself, with the help of God. I faced my trauma. I held it. All of it. I discovered energy work, I committed to mastery, I healed others.. and now I want to help more people.
You don’t have to hit a rock bottom to have a spiritual awakening. Because waking up in the morning, knowing your purpose, feeling deeply fulfilled, in touch with the meaning of your life …in touch with your guides, your angels, eyes and heart wide open …it’s f’n priceless!
If this resonates at all with you … then join me on this awaking and transformation journey! It would be my honor to have you here ….
In the Golden Thread Collective, you will be part of an uplifting, supportive community of amazing women.
She’s not afraid to show up and look within …she knows that what she wants starts there and it will be hers..
She wants to be free of the past, free of the stories …free of the chains that hold her back …
She is ready to awaken to her highest self…
She’s ready to activate her highest potential…
She never asks for help but here, she feels safe to be seen.
She dreams of a life of freedom, freedom from cultural and social beliefs
Freedom from expectations
She craves a life in alignment with your deepest desires
She’s here now … and it’s you….and she’s golden… like the sun.
Your Golden Thread Collective membership includes:
Two calls every month:
1 x 60 min support call on whatever you are needing support with … (submit q’s before or have opportunity for hot seat coaching) (value $500)
1 x 60 min workshop (see schedule for topics below – value $111)
The Seven Secrets of the Prosperous Habit: The Manifestation, Money Mentality, & Abundance Mindset Course (value $497) + all of the goodies that come with it!
Monthly Workbook with Affirmations + Journal Prompts + Seasonal Lifestyle Tips + Recipes ($47)
Any masterclasses or workshops that I release during your time in The Golden Thread (classes sell for $37 – $197)
An all access pass of all past workshops ($200+)
Access to the FB supportive community of ambitious, spiritual, devoted humans that care about the world and each other, and are ready to live their fullest potential – this is your home (priceless!)
Imagine a pearl necklace. Without the thread you just have twenty pearls that are rolling around. With the thread the pearls line up and create something new and complete.
All the things in your life are pearls, your relationships, your successful career, your family, your home, your accomplishments and come-backs, but they don’t have the same power when they are loose and rolling around, scattered. But when they are joined by the Golden Thread, which is your meaning to your life, your connectedness to self with your spirit, they gather and create a stunning masterpiece. They become bigger, have more meaning, more beauty than before.
The Golden Thread completes you.
The Golden Thread is a collective for the woman knows she’s destined for more. She knows she’s supposed to feel happier, and more internally abundant than she does. She’s ready to bridge the gap with her internal world to her external world.
She is ready to tap into the wisdom and divinity within ….She’s ready to awaken and become conscious of and connected to all and everything in the universe.
It’s a sacred space to refuel, recharge and reconnect …. with your spirituality, your self, and other amazing souls just like you. Together, we rise together in the collective. We celebrate and support each others journeys…
You will find your light, your love.
The Golden Thread Collective
Founders Pricing
$55 / pay per month x 3 months
3 month comittment, cancel anytime after 3 months
Must renew immediately to keep Founders Pricing
$150 / pay in full for 3 months(save $15)
The Golden Thread Collective
Annual Membership
Founders Pricing
$550 (10 months + 2 months free!)
Join for a limited time for the
Founding Members Price!
(expires on Cyber Monday @11:59pm, November 29)
If you’re committed, and your heart is singing “YES! This is what I want in my life!” then join our community.
2023 Monthly Topics
Setting yourself up with power, vision, clarity, and readiness for the New Year.
Learn to listen to your body’s wisdom and use it as teacher and guide to help you manage the stress and anxiety in your life better.
Tapping into your intuition as your guiding light and decision making compass and manifesting synchronicities.
Learn to reframe, and reset your energy so you have more energy to do what you love and what is good for you, like exercise for well-being for example.
How to use the pendulum as a way to access divine guidance from your Higher Self.
June’s topic will be released in January
It’s not your fault ….
Modern living, technology, the ability to be connected to everything at once is simply amazing, but paradoxically, it can leave us feeling very unhappy, disconnected and alone.
In today’s narrative, we have become obsessed with becoming successful at any cost, with our ability to consume at the forefront. Covid gave us a glimpse of what a more balanced life could look like with the work from home model, and that has changed everything. But our lives are full of mundane tasks, shallow interactions, petty thinking … it leaves us exhausted and feeling empty.
We were made to believe that the more successful we are and the more things we own, the more fulfilled and happy we will be …but what we’ve come to realize is at the end of the day … that was just a lie that they told us.
It’s time to redefine success
The way we were taught about success is completely outdated. Success does not mean you will have inner peace, freedom, love, purpose …. Our pursuit of success and money often leave us without TIME and FREEDOM to enjoy the fruits of our labor, the relationships around us, the ability to go outside and reconnect and refuel with nature.
The human race leaves us feeling alone. Empty. No purpose greater than ourselves.
The illusion that we are disconnected from Source and its splendor, is the cause of so much unhappiness, loneliness, fear, looking for things in all the wrong places, anxiety and fear.
We’ve temporarily forgotten that we are connected to
Our divinity
Our planet
Mother nature and the animals
Ourselves, our mission and our inner truths.
Other people that we share the planet with.