Oh Sh*! I’m Getting Old! Masterclass

Oh Sh*t!

I’m getting Old!

You’ve given your life to your kids, maybe you are wanting to start a new career, and you are in this space of almost feeling like you are starting your life over again.

You ask yourself “Is This It?”

It’s vulnerable.  It’s tender.  And part of you might not even know who you are because you have been pleasing the people around you, buried underneath all of the roles you play (mom, wife, career, friend, daughter, etc)

could this be you? if yes, don’t waste another second ⏳ …take control of your life

She’s Better With Age

Sign Up To Reserve Your Spot For This Free masterclass!

Join me for this fun yet powerful masterclass that everyone woman needs!
Tuesday, March 21 at 10am PST

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In this masterclass,  I want to welcome you to learn how to love the art of aging. The art of renewal. Rebirth. New adventures.

It’s the time ⏳ to renegotiate your purpose, refocus your relationships, and transform the way you think about the world and yourself.

You will learn ….

  1. The tools to take back your power and not be a victim of “aging.”

  2. How to notice the signs if you need to spice ️ up your future if you are bored and unsatisfied.

  3. How to deal with your “purpose” or lack thereof.

  4. How to not drive your husband or partner crazy as you approach “midlife.”

This is the ticket for you to celebrate the art of aging, take your power back & celebrate mid-life!

You will finally feel free and whole. 

This workshop is perfect for you if …

One day, you wake up and realize that “Oh, Shit! I’m getting old!” You look in the mirror. You see the fine lines, the changing skin. And a feeling of dread and low key depressions creeps in ..and doesn’t leave.

You feel like something is missing in your life, but you don’t know where to start. You have the career, the home/s, the beautiful things, but you don’t feel fulfilled.

You are tired of being embarrassed and ashamed that you are in entering, or maybe already in - midlife! But you don’t know how to be proud and empowered!

You want to change the way you perceive getting older, not only for yourself, and for your legacy. You want to model that it is a beautiful, empowering process when we embrace the art of aging!

️ You secretly dream of starting your own business, but you aren’t sure what is, or if it’s too late in life to try!

You want to create the best midlife ever, and not settle for your default future - your future that will happen if you change nothing!

You are ready, but you don’t know what steps to take next.

You will finally feel free and whole. 

You will learn how to really discover yourself in this new chapter and how to really harness the power of the next evolution of womanhood. 


HEY! I’M shaheen plunier

I spent my entire life selflessly giving to my family, being the “good girl,” people pleasing, doing what everyone thought I should be doing. Three boys, 25+ years of marriage, multiple careers, all the things.

At 45, I broke down and almost died. My unhealed childhood trauma caught up with me. I couldn’t pretend to be happy nor perfect any longer.

I realized that I could no longer live the way I was. It was time to feel worthy in my skin and become fulfilled in my life (not just by houses, jobs, material things).

I realized that I couldn’t fully do this until I accepted my “age.” I was tired of fighting my age, feeling bad about myself every time I looked in the mirror.

I noticed my clients were experiencing the same shame and resistance. It’s when I realized that it’s time to address this on a bigger level.