I’m Shaheen Plunier
Healer, Coach, Mentor and so much more!
We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. Our purpose in life is freedom, growth and joy. A triad of intention. I believe that our challenges / traumas / pain can become our superpowers, to then be able to help others transform their suffering into strengths, and so on….
One of the main reasons why I’m able to help my clients transform their lives, embrace their power and come home to the best version of themselves is because I understand what it takes to do so. I transformed my experiences, traumas, setbacks, failures by going deep inside myself, and finding the hidden gifts, turning them into my treasures. I developed a deep understanding of the inner work required to transform beliefs, mindset and perception.
I believe you can transform your life and I am committed to you throughout the process.
Sweeping things under the rug, not taking responsibility for my actions and rushing, sugarcoating (I tell things like it is, gentle but honest), ignoring my intuition or guidance system.
Working with my clients, writing and creating, playing tennis, oil painting, cooking up something amazing, loving on my sweet family of boys + hubby, feeding my two cats and dog, rescuing feral kitties, and when I can, floating down the river & camping with my brother.
Meditation & visualization, clearing, playing tennis, walking my dog, enjoying the Cali sunshine.
I understand what it feels like to have experienced: trauma, many deaths, (tragic and natural), codependency, sexual abuse as a child and teenager, running from pain {can’t run fast enough}, trying to be perfect, people pleasing, overachieving, driven to a fault, severe anxiety, to be a survivor of a “Me Too” nightmare, alcohol addiction to surpress the pain, and it goes on ………
{If you have experienced any of this, I feel your pain ….I am here to hold space for you. And most importantly, I send you my love.}
But from the outside looking in, it seemed at the time that I had this amazing life, but yet I still felt EMPTY and LOST and DESPERATE inside. If you are interested in learning about what I have overcome –
I had to be so broken, to be ready to break my major karmic cycle ….I knew that it would keep repeating itself until I stopped it and faced my darkness and shame …I had to change my subonconscious thinking, and everything about myself …. And I did, and continue to do so! It has led me to discover my passion and purpose.
My goal is to help you change your karmic cycles, clear negative subconscious energy and stop repeating unnecessary negative patterns, so you can avoid unneeded suffering and anguish in your life – mentally, spiritually and physically.
I had a crisis in my 40’s that led me to a deeply awakened state of being where I learned to embrace my intuitive abilities, realizing that I create my own reality and I can use my spiritual and earthly gifts to facilitate powerful changes for people. I wondered many times if my dark period of the soul would ever pass, but it did.
And I celebrate my life now in a different way, with my three gorgeous, kind, compassionate sons (teenagers) and my husband and partner in life for over 23 years. We are truly blessed with wonderful families, health, friends and animals …. so many gifts despite all that heartache.
Which brings me here …..
To say I am excited is the understatement of a lifetime!
I have developed a new system of rapid transformation: combining Spiritual Response Therapy energy clearings with your Higher Self, with Reiki, Mindset Coaching, Kundalini yoga, Gene Keys, a touch of Human Design, quantum physics and neurolinguistics. My own special healing cocktail.
Yes, this is real…..I call it the Accelerated Breakthrough Method
It’s where magic happens.
Watching my clients transform and breakthrough their glass walls and ceilings is like watching a series of miracles happen… it makes me tear up. It’s like witnessing butterflies emerging from their cocoons, and their beauty and strength have a ripple effect that changes the world!
If you are in your cocoon stage, or a butterfly already in motion, and you desire more from life, I am totally here to support you!
Thank you for being here …..
All of my love,
Fun Random Things!
Tennis is my ultimate form of self-care! Smashing balls, running around like a child, and winning as many matches as I can makes me feel high, and it’s always challenging me to be my best self!!
I wish I could reincarnate as a European oil painter … but I’ll settle for being a newbie at the easel.
I read and speak French fluently & can eat 4 dozen Brittany oysters in one sitting!
I’m actually a “half-ghan”…..”Half-Afghan, half American Euro mix!” LOL
I am socializing three feral black cats that I feed! The progress is so rewarding. I never knew I would be in the business of rescuing cats!
Shaheen holds an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) designation from the International Coach Federation (ICF) and graduated from one of the most prestigious coach training schools in the world, Coaches Training Institute (CTI) as a CPCC. Shaheen is a certified advanced practitioner of Spiritual Response Therapy and is a Reiki II Practitioner trained in Usui / Holy Fire Reiki. She is also studying the Gene Keys, and will become a Gene Keys Guide, to lead you all to your soul evolution and life’s purpose. She became a Kundalini prenatal yoga teacher with Gurmukhi Khalsa, as well a birth doula and childbirth educator with Birthing From Within.
Shaheen Plunier brings a wealth of over 20 years of international entrepreneurial, general management, and fundraising skills, combined with an Executive MBA in leadership and management from the The Drucker School of Management (CGU). She also studied Positive Psychology with one of the founding fathers of positive psychology, Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi
In addition, Shaheen holds a Masters Degree in French (Middlebury College) as well as being fluent in the language and a Bachelor of Science in Education (University of Georgia).
She has coached clients from a wide variety of backgrounds from several different countries, and has led her Design Your Life workshops at Pomona College – The Hive, and at local healing centers. Stay tuned for more magic!
“As someone who has spent many years in therapy, Shaheen is on par with any PhD with whom I’ve shared my insecurities. She is a star!”
Susan JD, artist
There have been many experiences in my life that might resonate with something that has happened in your world and why you may gravitate to work with me.
Little did I know then what I know now would help shape me to be the person I am today and I want to share this story with you HERE…