Mindset In Business 365


Daily strategies and mindset tips to help you maximize profit & productivity,
and be the leader everyone loves, without having to spend hours reading books
or listening to podcasts.

Does this sound familiar?

  • Are you constantly looking for ways to improve yourself as a leader, to become more effective and respected?

  • Do you struggle finding the time to look for inspiration that will guide and motivate you in your business?

  • Do you know where to find business strategy that will help you grow your business and increase your profits?

  • Do you feel like you lose yourself in the rat race of running your business or managing others?

  • Are you easily irritated with your team / coworkers and loved ones?

  • Do you always feel like no matter what you’re doing, you should be doing something else?

  • Are you live in a constant state of anxiete?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then buguide is for you!

Make it stand out.

What is Mindset in Business 365?

You asked for it, so here it is! A “cheat sheet” of my most favorite and effective coaching tips and tricks, delivered to your inbox daily, to help you soar in your in business and personal life!

Everyday of the year, you will receive a strategy/ mindset tip email from me, that is designed to inspire and motivate you to accomplish your professional goals while reclaiming time, space and freedom in your personal life!

You don’t have to spend hours that you don’t have looking for the “right”books or podcasts that will help you will all of your needs such as these because you are more than a business owner, an entrepreneur, or a leader – you are multifaceted!

even physical!

I have designed Mindset In Business 365 to support, motivate and inspire you in a holistic and complete way!

Imagine every morning, you are starting your day with a cup of coffee, and you check your inbox to read your Mindset in Business 365 email of the day – and it literally changes the course of you day because you were able to identify a potential money draining problem, or inpsire your employees which increases their productivity and performance, you find solutions to your comapany’s problems because you are operating from a centered and ground place, not burned out and reactionary.

For only $27, you will get 365 inpsired mindset and stragey emails to help you and your business thrive and flourish, without spending hours searching for some sort of inspiration on the interntet.

I’m a small business owner just like you. I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in a digital product. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that should have been a blog post.

I’m extremely proud of the products I create and I know anyone who buys them and implements the strategy will be thrilled with their purchase.
That’s why I’m offering a 30-day money back guarantee.

1/As a bonus, i’m gifting you a Mindset in Business 365 Journal – with prompts that help you

  • set short and long term goals

  • highlight your wins

  • celebrate your problem – solution

  • track your favorite mindset and strategy tips

  • safe space to explore your problems

  • manifesting journa

  • inspirational quotes along the way

2/The Boundary Code Workshop

Need Inpsiraiton?

3/Why You Started Your Business Inspiration Vision WheelValue Wheel Creation Workbook about What is Important in Your life – priorities

4/Meditations for Business Owners

Meet Your Inner Leader
Imagine Your Future Self
Calming Meditation before bed for the business owner and their anxiety
When You Need Hope

  • Dream it.

    Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.


  • How to go from “fight or flight” response to calming your nervous system down so you can respond from a centered and grounded space.

  • Breathing techniques to keep you focused and present

  • Be systematically productive so you don’t burn out

  • Access a new “quiet” so you can hear your inner voice

What if you could

  • Be Present For Yourself and Loved Ones

    You will learn to slow down to calm your exhausted, overcharged nervous system, so you can be present to your life, to have more calm and clarity.

  • Put Down Your To-Do List

    Strategically putting your “to-do” list aside will free you to do what you want in your life. You will smile, laugh and be present to the magic around you.

  • Feel Alive From the Inside Out

    Experience joy and light radiating from within your being.

Don’t wait any longer to get your free guide.

I’m here to help you slow down in your business and life, so you can be present to what matters most!

I’ve been down that fast-paced, incredibly productive, wear many hats road (over 25+ years worth and mom to three boys)!

I help amazing women like you {driven, high performing, incredibly successful} slow down, meet yourself where you are, and learn to navigate life’s path towards a life that you absolutely love and enjoy.

What My Clients Are Saying

  • “Your gift is helping me take control over the negative aspects of my life, removing them and creating positive changes.”
    – Maria F, Los Angeles, CA

  • “I often refer back to the concepts she introduced to me. The perspective she offers has been a game-changer in my life. Book your sessions now!.”
    -Agnes Baddoo, Stylist, Author, Designer

  • My motivation and inspiration has come on x 10. I am ready to do great things that have been dormant.

    Thanks Shaheen!

    – Danielle

Get the guide so you can slow down and de-stress!