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An inner circle for women.

Join me for monthly masterclasses, live coaching and an intimate community of heart-centered, service based women entrepreneurs.

Together, we will calibrate to a higher energy so you can build wealth, lead an impactful business and create a richer life experience.

Hi gorgeous entrepreneur ..

Do you ever feel alone in your entrepreneurial journey? Like no one gets the pressure and weight of the world you are under?

Do you ever feel like you forget why you are doing what you are doing? Like you forget how deeply connected to Source that you are, and the mission that you are on?

Do you ever crave inspiration and guidance to help you run your business more smoothly, to help you make better decisions?

Do you want to be part of a community that supports one another, that isn’t in competition with each other but celebrates our uniqueness and gifts, and as together we rise?


Imagine having a newfound clarity and understanding of yourself, and your business, so you can make that next bold move and make empowered decisions without thinking twice, with full confidence and belief.

Imagine looking forward to monthly masterclass and separate Q and A session .. knowing you will receive the information that you need so that you can leave the calls inspired, refilled, and seen. Back in touch with your Soul’s purpose. Without breaking the bank and a huge time commitment.

Imagine meeting women who might be struggling with the same thing as you …and becoming a part of a community, making new friends…creating new connections that can lead to soulful collaborations …

Imagine healing old wounds that are holding you back from making money, changing thought patterns that keep you playing small, becoming receptive to receiving the magic, the abundance, the gifts the Universe wants to send you so that you can become receptive to receiving the magic, abundance and gifts the Universe wants to send to you.

Introducing …


A Community for Women in Business

Here is what is included in your Empower Experience:

A Live Monthly Masterclass

I will teach a monthly masterclass for 3 months via Zoom, on any of the subjects that I listed below. Being a generator and a channel, I follow my sacral response and what you are needing and desiring. This is all for you..

I will share the energetic goals, the dates and the topic on the first of the each month.

If you can’t catch the live recording, you will have immediate access to the replay.

A Live Q & A + Coaching

I am so excited for this! We meet once a month and you can ask me ANY questions (business, strategy, spirituality, money, mindset!), and there will be opportunities for “hot-seat” coaching as well! (recorded as well)

We will open the space for those who want hot seat coaching and have questions. I will be sure to coach everyone that needs it, so don’t worry! If you have a question and are not able to attend to live, you will be able to submit the question and I will answer on the call.

The sessions will be recorded, and available for immediate replay, for those who aren’t able to attend the live. What happens on the calls, stays on the calls.

When do we begin?

The first masterclass will take place Monday, September 29 at 10am PST!

The first Q & A will take place October 12 at 9am PST.


Monday, September 29
End of October (will announce)
Mid-November (will announce)


$300 pay in full for a 3 month commitment for the Empower Experience

Payment plan exists – $111 / month for 3 months!

Cancel anytime after the 3 months or continue with your initial pricing.

The $111 / month is a founding members price. Once you sign up for this price, it will be honored until you end your commitment. The price will be going up fyi…







Empower Embody Align

Hello my dearest,

I’m Shaheen, an empowerment coach and spiritual energy healer. In 2016, I walked away from launching my online coaching business and unknowingly walked into a corporate career disaster.

I look back and see that I didn’t have the support nor community not to mention the “know how” as far as building and leveraging a coaching and healing business online.

Even today I sometimes wonder … “What would my business look like if I had had scheduled, dedicated support in my back pocket in 2016?”

You know what I mean? But I don’t have regrets because it’s led me to you!

Just this year, I have created a thriving coaching and healing business and life that I absolutely love! It takes my breath away. I specialize in coaching women through personal revolutions so they can lead extraordinary lives and businesses.

I remember the “me in 2016” and it’s why I am so passionate about Empower. I don’t want you to walk away from your dream biz and life! I want you to have the support and guidance that you deserve!! A low-cost experience that is just for you. You don’t have to break your bank account to get soul aligned business coaching, nor commit to anything long term!

It’s my dream to teach you the gorgeous energetics, mindset, confidence, the alignment, the divinity that will allow you to build exactly what you envision.

Potential Masterclass Topics
(depending on you are needing and what is being asked to come through):

Holding the voids (the waiting periods) in business and life and turning them into your fertile ground from which upon you grow your strength…

How to reset your energy when you experience disappointments and frustrations

Return to self – how to empower yourself when you experience self-doubt and are comparing yourself to others and make decisions that are in alignment with your High Self.

Activating and tapping into your WHY as a guiding light in your life and business, so you don’t have to feel lost and directionless.

Limitless Sales – tapping into the art of aligned selling that nourishes your soul that doesn’t feel forced nor sleazy

The Art of Manifesting Prosperity in all areas of your life!

How to set the most important goals in your business and life – your energetic goals!

Empowered boundaries that set you free and allow you to manifest abundance and prosperity

Healing money blocks and becoming open to receiving

Getting and staying in alignment to activate the most beautiful life that takes your breath away.

Sharing the client love! ❤️

“Over the course of 3 sessions, I went from incredibly ill, fearful and paranoid about my relationship – to totally fine, confident, and I fell back in love with my partner.

I’m so grateful for her loving guidance and support. I suggest anyone dealing with strong emotional charges and fears, love yourself enough to work with Shaheen. She has the magic touch with me

—Amelia Leon Harris, Author + Conscious Business Developer + Mentor”

You have given me a ton to process, and deeper insights about what is next for me in my soul evolution. First, is an understanding of what my soul has been grappling with over multiple life times. And how this has spilled into my current lifetime. I don’t understand how you tapped into this wisdom, yet that isn’t as important as how meaningful it is for me.

—David M, California

Working with Shaheen Plunier is pure satisfaction! She is calm, non-judgemental and thought-provoking; with an aim to lead you to solutions right for you, in/at this time. She helped me identify patterns and re-prioritized elements in my life for more overhaul, balance, happiness and effective productivity.

I often refer back to the concepts she introduced to me. The perspective she offers has been a game-changer in my life. Book your sessions now!

Agnes Baddoo, Stylist and Designer, CEO of Agnes Baddoo

Be open to rapid change, spontaneous healing and a compassionate loving container that Shaheen holds with profound presence and impeccability. Prepare for the blessing her offering bestows.

-Julia, Mystic & Shaman

In Shaheen I have found a sage guide whose calm demeanor and honest approach helped me open up my heart and find within myself the strength to achieve the transformation I sought in my life, but lacked the courage to pursue.

Since beginning my sessions with Shaheen, I have already made great strides towards achieving my goals with much success. With that has come a peace of mind that has been lacking in my soul for some time now.  I have begun a new journey in my life and I owe much of the force behind that transition to Shaheen!    

—Kurt B.,Creative Director, Artist, Photographer, Author

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