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Become a coach and sign your first 1k client!


3 Day Workshop

If you feel something inside of you, its bubbling and you know you have something to share with the world, and you aren’t sure what it is…

Becoming a coach has crossed your mind, but you aren’t quite sure what kind of coach you would be, or how you would even begin! It can feel impossible and just too much.

I can simplify this for you, because I have been where you are. I was a brand new coach at 47 in the online world, and everything had changed! I had to figure out how to use the internet to create my brand and business. How to use social media to advertise myself and find paying clients.

I will show you how this can be possible for you. Join me in this 3 day workshop and you will leave feeling inspired, in touch with your soul purpose, an offer in hand, and the tools to sell it!

here’s what we are covering:

feel confident in advertising yourself as a coach

I will share with you my exact steps, daily mindset shifts and routines that will help you feel confident so you can begin to talk about your coaching, your services and your packages. This is where the magic is!

discover the soul of your business

Your business is an energy. It’s an extension of you and it has a soul and purpose. Here you will learn how to begin thinking about your business in a different, powerful way that will keep you going on hard days, and will ignite the spark and create positive change in the world!

How to setup your coaching business

Surprise! You don’t need a fancy, complicated, expensive website to get started. I’ll share with you the exact steps you can take in terms of “tech” to begin marketing and selling your coaching service.

create offers that sell out

I will help you decide on every single detail of your first coaching package including the price, what’s included and how to talk about it so people will be excited to buy from you.

Find your soulmate clients that are ready to pay you

I’ll share with you how after going in circles for months on end about who I was here to help, and what I was here to do, I got crystal clear on a specific niche that couldn’t be more aligned with me, and I’m finally working with my dream clients.

Launch, get paid and feel great about it!

Learn how to create a launch plan that works for you so you can get paid! If you have issues around getting paid and feeling worthy of it, we work on that too!

get crystal clear

Here you will figure out your truth, what you have to share with the world, the purpose of your business. You will get crystal clear on your “why” and your “vision.” This is the most important part of setting up your business!

Figure out what kind of coach you want to be

There are so many options as to what kind of coach you can be and what niche you want to coach and serve.

learn how to coach

I’ll teach you my most effective methods of coaching and “how to coach” from your heart and soul so you have the confidence in your ability to help your clients achieve their goals and move past their fears and mindset blocks. You do not need a fancy and costly certification to begin coaching. It’s time to trust yourself and your life’s experiences.


become a coach and start your Business in midlife
3 day workshop

Your investment: $97

Tuesday, Sept 12 @11am – 12pm PST
Wednesday, Sept 13 @11am -12pm PST
Thursday, Sep. 14 @11am – 12pm PST

Here’s what you are getting:

  • 110+ page workbook that include all of my notes, affirmations and journal prompts to help you get clear and started

  • Coaching Agreement Template

  • Email Marketing Terminology & KPI Cheatsheet

  • Life Coaching worksheets that you can use to help understand your clients, their desires, values, goals and dreams.

This workshop Is For You If…

  • Are you a woman approaching or navigating midlife, feeling unfulfilled AF in your current career and you desire a more meaningful path $$ where you are working for you?

  • Are you an aspiring entrepreneur, dreaming of starting your own business in midlife, but unsure of how to make it a reality?

  • Are you a personal growth junkie (my favs!) and you’re passionate about self-improvement, and you want to empower others with the knowledge and wisdom you’ve acquired?

  • Are you ready to experience time freedom, work from home or anywhere in the world? Who doesn’t want that?

If you answered yes to any of the above, this 3 day intensive is perfect for you!

You see, you don’t have to get a certification or a license or shell out a ton of time and money, to become a coach or consultant, or to sell your services online.

Your willingness to say “yes even though you don’t feel like you are ready”, your knowledge, gifts and talents are enough! So let’s get started!

Meet Your Coach 

Hey! I’m Shaheen plunier

I know what it’s like to worry about getting older and wonder if it’s too late to start your own business or change careers.

I know what it’s like to not feel confident and ready to coach. But I also know what it feels like to step into my power and to reclaim my wisdom.

I know how good it feels sharing my experiences and knowledge with others, empowering my clients to reach their full potential.

If you are approaching midlife, or already in it, and you are thinking of becoming a coach, or you’re just curious, the bootcamp is absolutely perfect for you!

client feedback for the 3 day workshop

Just think about all the wisdom and experiences you’ve gathered over the years. You have so much to offer, and the world needs your gifts and insights.

Starting a business in midlife isn’t just about financial independence. It’s about embracing your power, pursuing your passion, and making an impact. It’s about showing the world, and yourself, what you’re truly capable of.

So, if you’ve been dreaming about starting your own business, now is the time. Don’t let age or fear hold you back. You have the power to create, to change, and to inspire. And guess what? You always did.

Still have some questions?
I’ve got you covered.

  • We meet via Zoom and we use the app Voxer to communicate M-F

  • Yes, this course is yours to keep forever and ever!

  • You will have access to the course portal where the recordings and the workbooks will live.

  • There are no refunds for my courses.