Create Your signature program


It's Time to Package Your Wisdom into a Signature Program, Make it Once and Sell it Forever. 

Get On The Waitlist!

ready for your ticket to freedom?

Waitlist here

Trust me, I get it. At 48, I was right where you are now. Looking around online at all these people selling their courses, wondering how they do it!  I wanted to do the same but was totally stumped on how to do it. I had so many ideas, and had a hard time picking the one!

But then, I found it!  My zone of genius an I cracked the code. I discovered a way to package all that midlife wisdom and knowledge into a signature program that not only sells but transforms lives (including my own!).

Now, at 49, I'm living the dream – running a successful coaching business, working with amazing clients, and yes, finally taking those bucket-list vacations. And the best part? I've simplified the whole process so you can do it too, without the years of trial and error I went through. 

isn't this just so exciting! 

I know you are so ready to package your wisdom and knowledge into a program!

I created two courses and have sold them on repeat. They have created a never ending supply of clients that I LOVE and that continue to buy from me.  They join me in my different programs, become private clients and join my mastermind.

This has generated over $240K in less than 12 months. 

Turning your wisdom, your life experiences into a signature program ONCE, and selling it MANY times, is the secret to getting to 6 and multi 6 figures, quickly!

here's what happened 

my signature courses have made me over 240K in less than 11 months!

You have had success and are ready to pivot and change careers, and even though it's a little scary, you know that you can do it with the right help.

A step-by-step process that teaches you how you can create a profitable online course, without the tech overwhelm, without overcomplicating every step.  I keep things simple around here. 

We are going to dial in your expertise, your wisdom, your experiences and how you can build a course around it. Including who you want to serve, creating a course that you are in love with, marketing and content around it, and you'll learn how to sell in a way that is authentic to you and feels good to you.

Ready for your life to change?

"This course gave me the courage to finally quit my job, and start my biz!"

next review

What is a signature program?

It's a program that features your zone of genius, that showcases your signature method!

Your signature program is a course that you create once and sell many times!  You can create a group coaching program based on the course! You can turn you signature program into a membership, a mastermind, a private coaching experience!  There's no end to what you can do with your online signature program.

Doesn't this idea just light you up!

get on waitlist

You will learn how to create your signature program as well as discovering what your signature method is! 

Join me for the month of October as we dive deep into course creation and the things you need to scale this to a 6 figure program in it's first year!

Create Your Signature  offer


7 Live Calls  + 1 Bonus Q and A 

I am so excited to get to know you! And teach you the magic of course creation: 
We will meet: 
Monday, Sept 30 @11am PST
Tuesday, Oct 1 @11am PST
Monday, Oct 7 @11am PST
Wednesday, Oct 9 @11am PST
Monday, Oct 14 @11am PST
Wednesday, Oct 16 @11am PST
Monday, Oct, 21 @ 11am PST
Wednesday, Oct 23 @11am PST

Private Telegram Channel

Inside the Telegram community, there will be a thread where you can submit questions and I will answer them!  Also, it's a place to make friends and find kindred spirits in the online space!

Workbooks, Resources, Swipe Files, Course Calculator

You'll get a workbook with every module so you can map out your course and design it as we go.  Also tools and resources that show you how profitable your course can be!

Lifetime Access!

You will have lifetime access and go back and create course after course! The replays will be uploaded within 24 hours. 

Here's What You GET:

Unleash your inner course creator

  • Conquer course creation fears and limiting beliefs, so you can finally start that course you've been dreaming about (instead of just thinking about it for another year)
  • Embrace the "done is better than perfect" mantra, so you can actually finish your course and get it out into the world (instead of endlessly tweaking it)
  • Develop unshakeable confidence in your unique gifts, so you can stand out and attract your dream students (no more playing small, honey!)
  • Master the art of self-compassion and positive self-talk, so you can navigate your course creation journey with grace and enthusiasm (hello, unstoppable creator energy!)

module one

here's what's inside!

Uncover Your Million-Dollar Course Idea 

  • Unlock your unique zone of genius, so you can teach what makes your heart sing (and your bank account grow!)
  • Nail down your perfect course topic, so you can stand out in a sea of sameness and attract your dream students
  • Craft a course promise so irresistible, your ideal students will be tripping over themselves to enroll
  • Structure your content for maximum impact, so your students experience those delicious 'aha!' moments

module two

YOur soul aligned audience

Your Soul-Aligned Audience
  • Time to fall in love with your ideal clients and create a magnetic connection! We'll dive deep into:
  • Creating a crystal-clear picture of your dream client, so you can speak directly to their heart and attract them effortlessly
  • Tapping into your own journey for authentic connection, so you can build trust and community that keeps them coming back for more
  • Developing your unique brand voice, so you can stand out in a crowded market and have your tribe hanging on your every word

module three

Design Your Dream Course (From Big Idea to Launch-Ready!)

Ready to bring your course to life? Let's turn that brilliant idea into a structured plan that's ready to rock! In this module, you'll:

  • Map out your course content from start to finish (we'll make sure you cover all the good stuff)
  • Choose your course format and style: Modules or weeks? Live or evergreen that is the perfect fit for you and your students!
  • Create a logical flow that guides your students step-by-step (no one gets lost on your watch)
  • Give your course and modules catchy names that'll make your students say "I need that!"
  • Decide on any extra materials or resources to make your course extra awesome

By the end of this module, you'll have a complete blueprint of your course - what you're teaching, how you're delivering it, and what you're calling it. No more confusion or overwhelm – you'll be ready to bring your amazing course to life and change some lives!

module four

In this bonus section, I'll break down for you:

  • The essential tech pieces you need to get your course up and running
  • Which platforms work best for hosting and selling your course
  • How to create and edit your course content without fancy equipment
  • Simple ways to manage your files and course materials
  • Tools to stay connected with your students
  • Options for taking payments and managing bookings

Don't worry - we'll keep it simple and actionable. By the end, you'll have a clear roadmap for setting up your course tech, no computer science degree required!

Authentic Messaging & Soulful Selling

  • Creating content that makes your dream clients go "OMG, it's like she's in my head!" No more feeling salesy - we're attracting your tribe like a magnet.
  • Whipping up a social media strategy that feels like YOU. No more burnout from trying to be everywhere! We're keeping it real and consistent, just like you! 
  • Uncovering your special sauce in messaging. What makes you, YOU? We're gonna bottle that up and sprinkle it all over your conten so you can  stand out in the noisy online world!
  • Blending your stories with your smarts. We're creating a cocktail of captivating content that showcases just how freaking amazing you are! 

module five

The Aligned Launch Formula 

  • Design a launch strategy that fits your energy and goals, so you can create momentum without losing yourself
  • Host a "value-packed, taster" masterclass that naturally leads to sales, so you can serve and sell simultaneously
  • Build a flexible launch timeline with self-care built-in, so you can stay centered throughout the process
  • Implement urgency and bonus strategies, so you can inspire action without feeling pushy or weird
  • Develop a post-launch nurture sequence, so you can convert fence-sitters and set the stage for future offerings

module six






YOu will be able to...

How does this sound?

Build a tribe of amazing clients who can't wait to work with you – your inbox will be pinging with "Yes, I'm in!" messages!

Boost your confidence as a sought-after expert in your field, leaving imposter syndrome in the dust.

Create a money-making machine from ONE course – think group coaching, memberships, VIP days. The possibilities are endless!

Finally take that bucket-list vacation while your course keeps making moolah. Work from anywhere, anytime – that's the dream, right?

Transform your wisdom into a profitable signature program that sells on repeat, potentially generating $100K+ in your first year.

get on waitlist

Press the buy button and be ready to create your first signature program, and sell it on repeat!

decide you're so ready and press that button!

The Telegram Channel will be our home away from home! You can drop questions in the thread and I'll answer them as we go!

Join the telegram group and introduce yourself!

This is your next step to freedom! Financial freedom, location freedom, freedom to do what you want when you want!


How it works

A year from now you would have wished you would have started your creating your first online course!

so let's get  them started!


Payment Plan

4 payments of $450

One Payment 

1 payment of $1800

best value!

select the plan that works for you:

Your Investment! 



How to Scale Your Signture Program!

Here I will show you ALL the ways you can scale your signature program!  From evergreen to live launching to open and dodrs shut!
We will go deep on how to create a funnel and sell from behind the scenes to scale! 

This training will change the course of your business in itself!

$997 value


Selling Made Simple Sales Page Training!

Sales Pages That Have People Drooling Over (& Buying) Your Offer!!
I share with you my two winning Canva templates of my EXACT sales page that has sold over 1000+ courses and the other which has made me over 10K in its first launch! 

Plus bonus training🎁: Reels that Bring Your Perfect Fit Clients (so you actually have people SEEING your sales page) training.

I share with you exactly how I write and format the sales page using my template, what to put where so that your sales pages are drool worthy and have cold leads become paying clients, using the DM strategy that has made me thousand of dollars. 

Sold at $297


Learn How to Create A High Converting Masterclass!

Get in Front Of Your Dream Clients So They Can Pay You!

Learn how to create masterclasses that gives your people a taste of your genius so they can whip out their credit cards and buy up your high ticket offers. 

  •  Learn how to structure a high converting masterclass that upsells your high ticket offers
  • Create a landing page that gets sign ups, effortlessly
  • Create social media messaging + emails that will magnetize your ideal clients to your masterclass 
  • Learn the tech and all you need to set it up and automate it!

Sold at $997


Launch your signature program with confidence, knowing you've got a product that your ideal clients will be scrambling to buy!

Turn your wisdom into a money-making machine that works while you sleep.

Own your expertise like the queen you are. No more imposter syndrome or playing small.

 Create content that resonates so deeply with your audience, they'll think you're reading their minds.

Transform from "I'm too old for this" to "Just watch me rock this!" 

Unlock the secret to work-life balance that actually works for YOU. No more guilt about success or struggling to "do it all".

By the end of the program, you will be able to...

get on waitlist

I wasn't always a midlife business coach. In fact, I used to cringe at the word "midlife."  Like how did this happen?  But I see now, it's the coolest thing in the world to be in midlife.  

We get to ask ourselves - what do we want next? It's like a corridor that we walk through.  And its my mission to help women see that on the other side of the corridor is the best possible version waiting for them.  Welcome to the wealthiest, most meaningful part of your life.  It's time to shine babes. 

3 boy mama, So Cal tennis playing 49 year old, married 25+ years, france obsessed, cat rescuer

Hi, I'm shaheen.
Your midlife business Coach.

Learn more

Two years ago, I had no idea how to build my dream business.

But I didn't let it stop me. I put myself in rooms with younger, more successful coaches.  Guess what?!  I had a proper identity crisis.  Only to come out the other side tapped into who I am at my core, and who I want to help.  

Women in midlife who want more. What want different. Who see that the time is now to make the change.  Turning our wisdom into a signature course is the next natural step!.

Once I found my voice online last August 2023, I created two signature programs based on what I"m here to do.  And I"ve made over 240K in the past 12 months! 

This is what alignment looks like. My courses represent me and my gifts and I create them once, and sell them on repeat!

i can help because i've been there

but nowI know how to help!


revenue in the paste 12 monhts


courses sold in less than 12 months


instagram followers and when i started 3 years ago, i had 400


over 3100 transactions in thrive cart in 12 months

This program includes everything you need to create a signature program and sell it infinitely

Stop watching from the sidelines and actually CREATE that online course you've been dreaming about

 Unlock the secrets to turning your life experiences into a profitable digital product

Break free from the corporate rat race and spread your entrepreneur wings

Ditch the mask of "I'm too old for this" and embrace your midlife mojo

Turn that lightbulb moment into a full-fledged, money-making business idea

Find your voice and share your message with the world (because, honey, the world needs to hear it!)

If you want this to be the year that you *finally* commit to:


ready to create your first signature course?


Are there any refunds?

Aboslutey NOT! Please don't buy this program if you think you are going to test drive it, then ask for a refund. Due to the digital nature of the course, and the hours and days of experience I have put into. these teachings, there are no refunds. Thanks!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have lifetime access?

Absolutely yes!  You will have lifetime access to this course that is located in the Thrive Cart Portal. If you ever need help with logins, just let me know! 

Do you give marketing feedback?

I can glance over pages etc, but I do not promise nor guarantee that there will be specific marketing feedback given. 

How soon are the replays uploaded?

The replays will be uploaded within 24 hours after the call is over.